Monday, 24 March 2014

Kasia form IIIF is  going to Poznań to compete in the final  /3rd/ stage of Olimpiada Języka Angielskiego dla Gimnazjalistów. In the 2nd stage, as the oral part of the exam, she was supposed to prepare and record TV news on precisely specified topics. SHE RECEIVED THE MAXIMUM SCORE OF 20 POINTS for the presentation that you can see in this film:


Congratulations and good luck in Poznań!!!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Quick Spring Competition

Do you know English words for spring flowers? If your answer is yes, put the names of the flowers in the collage below in the comments. The first person to do it will get a FIVE !!!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

St Patrick's Day in Ireland

Today is St.Patrick's Day, a national holiday of Ireland. Who was St.Patrick, who is the patron of the Irish? You can learn it from the songs:

or this trailer from a film about St. Patrick:

Thursday, 13 March 2014

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Today we held a dictation competition and I promised to present the text of the story that you were supposed to write this morning. Here is this lovely presentation with the text: